
China: Now what?

China: Now what?

After rallying >30% from the troughs in late January to the highs in mid May, MSCI China has retraced 10% in the past 6 weeks. The weakness in A shares has also been noticeable, especially in small/mid caps where index proxies such as CSI1000 and CSI2000 have lost around 20% YTD. What is next in the China trade? Chart shows the CSI 300, the big downtrend and the 200 day moving average.

Source: Refinitiv


Just profit taking, a minor correction or is it "all over"...?

"Empirically, in the 23 episodes in the past 20 years where MSCI China rallied more than 20%, the market almost in all cases (22 out of 23) experienced at least a 5% pullback after entering a technical bull phase. These corrections averaged 12% by magnitude, and 32 days in duration, although their subsequent return trajectory varied significantly post the initial retreat, with earnings accrual/upgrades typically taking over from valuation to drive further gains when these upswings transitioned into a fundamental-led cycle." (GS)

Source: Refinitiv


Slightly below

The prevailing market recovery is slightly below other strong rallies historically.

Source: FactSet


Earnings recovery needed

Earnings accrual and/or upgrades are necessary to extend the recovery.

Source: FactSet


All eyes are on the July policy meetings

July will be a hectic month for China policy watchers: The Third Plenum of the Chinese Communist Party is scheduled for July 15 to 18, followed by the economically-focused Politburo meeting in July, usually convened end of the month.

Politburo push

Markets traded well immediately post the past-4 economically-focused Politburo meetings.

Source: FactSet


Counting keyword

The policy emphasis on growth has strengthened, while the focus on ideological priorities appears to have moderated in recent months.

Source: Factiva


Cautious positioning

Investor positioning remains at the low-end of the historical ranges.

Source: EPFR / GS Prime


China 1 sigma cheap

12-month forward P/E for MSCI China, past 10 years.

Source: FactSet


Fading China

Many EM reduce links to China.

Source: TS Lombard