
S&P500 to 8000

No bearish person ever....

....built no 5th Avenue skyscraper. How much more money would we have made if we would not have the itch to sell too early (latest example when we exited our tactical China trade on day 3 of the mother of all squeezes...). How much more money would we have made if we did not have that bearish gene that always makes us look for exits? A lot of traders can probably relate. Therefore, it was "emotional" to read Yardeni's latest piece on the history and future of US stocks. Short conclusion: stay long term bullish.

There is always a (bad) reason to sell

But but but timing the market is our job...

Source: Koyfin


DOW 60.000

The Dow Jones Industrial Average is on course to hit 60,000 by the end of the decade.

Source: Yardeni


S&P500 8000

The S&P 500 may be on course to rise above 8000 by the end of the decade.

Source: Yardeni


EPS to double during the Roaring 20's

"The S&P 500 stock price index is driven by its earnings per share (EPS), which has been growing mostly between 6% and 7% since the 1950s. EPS could double to $400 by the end of the decade in our Roaring 2020s scenario."

Source: Yardeni


Never mind the bollocks politicians

Afraid of Komrad Kamala? Or Trump the Terrible? Don't be....The stock market tends to rise no matter who is in the White House and how much they've inflated the federal government's debt. Investors should avoid letting their personal political views influence their investment decisions.

Source: Yardeni


Down-years? We had a few....

....but then again, too few to mention. The stock market tends to have more up years than down years. 

Source: Yardeni


Bull stamina

A bull market can go on for a very long time.

Source: Yardeni


Long bull

Bull markets have been longer since the 1990s.

Source: Goldman


Duration of bulls: A graphic description

(That even your 5-year old would understand...). Here is a log chart of the S&P 500 since its inception in 1928 with bull markets shaded in green and bear markets shaded in red. The shading does a good job of highlighting how much longer bull markets typically last than bear markets.

Source: Bespoke



Let's talk individual stocks. And on that topic there is nothing better than a 10-bagger. Koyfin list 10 10-baggers (in 10 years). Some are boring, some not. There are many ways to skin the (bull) cat.

Source: Koyfin